Whiz Robo

Thursday, June 23, 2005

PIC 16F877 works!

I got 16F877 to work this morning! Finally, I can program and run circuits right here in my room. Best of all, I can code in C! I'm using SourceBoost to program the PIC microcontrollers.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

PIC Controller working!

Finally, I have my own PIC programmer board and I have my two 16F84 chips working with BoostC compiled hex files. I was trying to make it work for several hours, until I noticed a special note in the datasheet which said that crystal selection should be Highspeed (HS) for crystals > 3.5Mhz and not XT. The table showed that 4Mhz should have XT configuration and I kept using that. I bought a new microcontroller just in case the one I had was damaged. Now I have two 16F84s. I need to make 16F877 work now, which is a 40-pin full-fledged microcontroller. After that, I have to make the IR sensor work for 1 cm range.